
Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Water, the most basic need of our life

water ripple 

Water, the most basic need of our life without this water living organisms cannot stay or live on earth. It is very important for human beings also there are many works going on with water. It is used on very small scales also like for basic uses at home ex- for washing clothes, bathing, washing vegetables. It is used for cleaning also like cleaning room floors, toilets etc. This water is also used in large scale usage like it is used dams to generate electricity.

But this water is polluted day by day

*Water pollution:The addition of toxic wastes coming from factories and sewage,animal and human waste in the water is known as water pollution. There is a very small amount of drinking water present on earth the earth is made of 70 percent of water and in it only 2.5 percent of water is fresh water or drinking water and in this 2.5 percent water also only 1 percent of water is easily available and remaining part of water is trapped by glaciers and polar ice caps. And without water living organisms cannot stay like human being in human being about 70 percent of his body is made up of water.And we are making this water polluted it is done in different ways example we use soaps,shampoos and detergents etc. and this things are making the water contaminated and this contaminated water is taken from the sewage through big pipes and is added to oceans lakes etc. because of this many water animals dies. Many unwanted and harmful things are added in water which does not dissolve in water  and decrease the flow of water. In many rivers due to the stoppage of undissolvable things the water is stopped and when the water is stopped many disease causing  germs are formed in the water and this decreases the quality of water. Without water human can not do many things like bathing washing clothes and the very important thing for life food also cannot be prepared without water.


This we all discuss about water pollution  and now we discuss about states and sources of water basically the water is present in the rivers, ocean, in sky in the form of clouds and the most purest form of water is present in glaciers.

 Agriculture also demands a large amount of water and most of the farmers uses ground water to give water to their crops and because of this the ground water level is falling day by day. The  ground water is mainly composed of rain water.

So we can think about that how much the water is necessary for us so we can say ‘ SAVE WATER SAVE LIVING BEINGS’.

Water, the most basic need of our life

  Water, the most basic need of our life without this water living organisms cannot stay or live on earth. It is very important for human be...
